You're Invited to share in the life and worship of Northside Bible Church.
Northside is an independent, non-denominational fellowship that believes, teaches and seeks to live God's Word.
We have two primary concerns for you, your friends and family. The first is that you know the living and true God in a personal way. the second is that you grow to fulfill His purpose and joy in your daily life.
Our church is organized and conducted in such a way as to meet you where your need is. Let us help you in this way.
For Christ, for truth and for YOU.
Committed to worship in spirit and truth, Northside has been ministering in the Tampa Bay Area for over 40 yrs. Come join us on Sunday or Wednesday, or during weekly activities. Everyone is welcome!
We Believe...
... the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are verbally inspired by God; inerrant in the originals; supreme in authority for faith and life.
...that God exists eternally in three equal persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
...that the Son became truly man in Jesus Christ through the virgin birth, lived a sinless life, died as a substitute for lost mankind and rose bodily from the grave; that He is now an advocate for His children and He will return visibly to set up His kingdom
...that the Holy Spirit is God and that He convicts the lost, regenerates, seals and sanctifies believers; that He baptizes every believer at the moment of salvation into the Body of Christ and that He intercedes for them before the Father
..that man was created in the image of God but he fell; that all are now born with a sinful nature which cannot please God by any works whatsoever; that it is only through faith in Christ as Savior that a person can be saved and become a child of God secure in Christ eternally; that eternal separation from God awaits the lost and unending joy in God's presence is prepared for the redeemed.